ESGeneration Italy signed the Gender Finance Charter
During the last Annual General Meeting, 21 members of FC4S signed a milestone Gender Finance Charter to advance gender equality in sustainable finance and committed to take concrete actions throughout 2024 to mainstream gender considerations within sustainable finance. The FC4S Gender Working Group (GWG) is also working on a Gender Finance Booklet, which will provide necessary tools and guidance for effective implementation of the Charter’s principles.

ESGeneration Italy is one of the signatories. “Our expectations and aspirations in endorsing the Gender Finance Charter are aligned with our mission at ESGeneration Italy. We see this commitment as a crucial step toward advancing gender equality and empowerment in sustainable finance practices. Emphasizing gender inclusivity enables us to actively contribute to the enhancement of governance practices and strengthens our financial center’s dedication to the “G” factor, which is vital in pursuing our goal of promoting sustainable and responsible investment. This commitment reinforces our purpose to actively engage the Italian financial community in positioning Italy as an excellence in sustainable finance, emphasizing the importance of gender equality as an integral part of that vision.”