ESGeneration Italy signed the Gender Finance Charter
During the AGM 2023 FC4S launched a milestone Gender Finance Charter to advance gender equality in sustainable finance and committed to take concrete actions throughout 2024 to mainstream gender considerations within sustainable finance.

ESGeneration Italy at FC4S Annual General Meeting 2023
Last September, 35 financial centers representing several countries from all the continents participated in the Annual General Meeting of FC4S, which was held in Dublin. The Italian financial center, ESGeneration Italy also participated with two representatives.

Sustainable finance: ESGeneration Italy is born from Borsa Italiana, ItaSIF and FeBAF
The “network” promoted by the three organizations will participate in the global network of Financial Centers for Sustainability (FC4S) established after the last Italian-led G7. It will be presented on October 1st in a webinar with the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Ilaria Fontana.